Books by Kundali Dasa

 Our Mission 1 and 2, The Nectar of Disrimination, In Vaikuntha Not Even the Leaves Fall

Kundali Dasa is a disciple of Srila Prabhupada who spearheaded the ISKCON reform movement in the 80's, which brought about the end of the fallacious zonal acarya concept and practice

 A broad-minded and compassionate thinker on personal and institutional reform, his books offer the reader a profound understanding of the philosophy, through sharp analysis of the three Vedic pramanas- guru, sadhu and sastra. Through his training in sastra-caksusa, the reader learns to identify quickly all the various mISKCONceptions he may be faced with, on a daily basis, both online and in our temples. 

Suggested order of reading (the order in which he wrote them) is "Nectar of Discrimination", "Our Mission Volume 1" then "Our Mission Volume 2". 




The book "In Vaikuntha Not Even the Leaves Fall" can be read before or after these books. It rests the case of the much-debated "origin of the jiva" issue. This book was written by Kundali and Satya Narayan Babaji from the JIVA Institute, the latter providing much of the essential information in it. Babaji has authored many other books as well which provide valuable insights into the Vedic philosophy and which can be accessed at this site:
